Friday, May 19, 2006

Though I'd just write a little about what we've been up to.
Tuesday we sang and played at a community jam session in the hometown of the famous Jessica Lynch. Everyone sat in a circle and played together, taking turns passing the mike around. Josiah was too busy talking to his friend to sit the whole time, so one lady rounded him up every time it was his turn. She didn't want to miss his singing. She said we livened the place up.

I've been reading some good parenting books. I guess it's not entirely too late to learn more about parenting. Josiah's only 13, even though he's taller than me now.
You should check out Hold on to Your Kids--Why Parents Need to Matter More Than Peers, and How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk. I also read a historical fiction Weedflower about a Japanese girl who was forced to live on an Indian Reservation after the bombing of Pearl Harbor, written by the daughter of a man who actually lived through the experience.

I've been practicing the violin. But Josiah keeps packing it away for some reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jill
I've been checking out your blog and enjoying all the recent pictures. I can't believe how big Josiah is getting! I guess your whole family is keeping quite active. Keep up the good work on your blog, because I enjoy reading it.
Louise Berry