Thursday, November 11, 2010

White Pine School 1899

White Pine School, Belgrove, WV
Row one: Annie Casto, Flower Cobb, Alice Hutton, Blanche Godby, Lou Hutton, Beulah Casto, Roy Walker, Willie Tenney, Coy Cobb, Roy Critchfield, Howard Whiting, and Oral Rankin
Row two: Lilly Hutton, Clora Casto, Hattie Hutton, Myrtle Godby, Esta Tenney, Ollie Cobb, Edward Rhodes, Zollie Cobb, Arlie Cobb, Clarence Cleek
Row three: Mary Cleek, Jennie Tolley, Cora Boothe, Laura Casto, Polina Hutton, George Cleek, teacher, Early Tolley, Tom Taylor, Homer Slaughter, Theodore Casto, Marshall Cleek.
I believe Homer Slaughter is really in row 2.

Lilly and Lou were sisters to Robert Emory Hutton.
Polina, Hattie, and Alice were Columbus Edgar Hutton's girls.
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